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● EMS, non-surgical interventions, and GOS were evaluated in patients with traumatic spine.
● Most of the patients were transferred to the hospital by ambulance.
● Pre-hospital fixation was required in more than half of the patients.
● Most of the patients showed GCS ≥13 and a good recovery outcome.
Plain Language Summary
We assessed the pre-hospital emergency services, non-surgical interventions, and clinical outcomes in patients with traumatic spine referred to Poursina hospital in Guilan during 2015 to 2019. 197 patients with traumatic spine were reviewed. 80.2% of the patients were transferred by ambulance. Pre-hospital fixation was performed in 59.4% of the patients (n=117). 4.6% of the patients had GCS <9; 3% of them (n=6) had 9< GCS <12; and 92.4% had GCS ≥13. 11.7% of the patients experienced spinal cord injury. 6.1%, 1%, 3%, 0.5%, and 1% of the patients suffered from paraplegia, paraparesis, quadriplegia, quadriparesis, hemiparesis, respectively. Surgery was performed in 89.8% of the patients. Traction was performed for 3.6% of the patients. Good recovery, moderate disabilities, severe disabilities, persistent vegetative state, and death were found in 85.8%, 2%, 5.1%, 1.5%, and 2.5% of the patients, respectively.