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● Because of direct contact during surgery between neurosurgeons and their patients, all neurosurgeons, and the surgical team must be protected from contracting COVID-19.
● In cases that need a non-urgent operation, systematic SARS-CoV-2 testing of low-risk patients (asymptomatic and no history of travel or contact with COVID-19 patients) should be considered. After doing preoperative SRAS-COV-2 testing, in infected patients, if possible, delaying the procedures until they are cured and in negative cases, decreasing the usage of protective equipment should be regarded.
● There is a lower risk of SARS-COV-2 with :after delaying all nonemergent cases, replacing general anesthesia with other anesthesia methods if possible, replacing neurosurgical approaches with alternative approaches that bypass the respiratory tract, and decreasing the usage of aerosol-generating instruments, including drills, electrocautery, ultrasonic aspirators, lasers, and carbon dioxide insufflators.